Resolving Your Facility Challenges
Retro-Commissioning Services & Solutions
What is Retro-Commissioning?
Over time, the performance of your building systems and equipment may decline. This can be due to normal wear and tear, deferred maintenance, additions or major modifications, equipment malfunction, or even failure. The Enviros team draws upon decades of facility performance expertise and knowledge gained from the successful retro building commissioning of over 100 million square feet of existing building area. We are here to help you identify and correct mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and control issues, maintenance problems, and indoor air quality issues to ensure your facility operations and performance objectives are met. Contact us today to learn more about our retro-commissioning services and solutions.
If you have noticed increasing energy bills, occupant complaints, or functional deficiencies, existing building commissioning can help identify the root cause of the issues inhibiting your facilities’ performance.

Comprehensive Solutions
Whole Building Performance
What is Enviros’ Existing Building Commissioning Approach?
We recognize your existing facility objectives go beyond energy conservation. As your facility performance partner, we ask questions to understand your needs and develop an existing building commissioning approach to help achieve your facility performance goals. Our existing building commissioning [EBCx] approach helps confirm that systems are correctly installed, calibrated, and operating in accordance with manufacturer specifications. We will provide your team with practical, actionable strategies to resolve a broad spectrum of issues to optimize the performance of your facility.
EBCx Drivers
- Capturing energy savings
- Ensuring system performance
- Improving system reliability and resiliency
- Improving thermal comfort
- Maintaining proper indoor air quality
What is the Most Common Driver for Existing Building Commissiong [EBCx]?
One of the most common drivers for existing building commissioning [EBCx] is to ensure system performance. Post construction commissioning helps to identify and correct the root cause of issues to maximize overall facility performance, reliability, and uptime.
EBCx Process + Priorities
Asset Inventory
Review and update all available equipment lists for central systems to be commissioned. Create a compliant equipment list where an existing list does not exist.
Operations + Maintenance
Identify and prioritize operational and maintenance enhancements in major building systems, resulting in improvements in infection control, energy efficiency, occupant comfort, optimum air flow rates, and indoor air quality.
Performance Review
Evaluate the performance of all identified systems in relation to design specifications and characterize deviations.
Control Systems
Optimize control systems through calibration of sensors, improved metering, development and review of trend logs, and functional equipment testing.
Preventive Maintenance Program [PMP]
Evaluate the existing PMP to assess its effectiveness in maintaining operating systems. Provide the necessary corrections to improve PMP and train essential staff in its application.
Energy + Cost Saving Measures
Identify options and cost estimates for energy savings measures throughout the facilities including both low cost and high-cost options.
Identify the Operations & Maintenance [O&M] personnel training needs to improve the skills/abilities to respond effectively to changing needs of the building/occupants.
Prioritizing Occupant Well-being
Indoor Environmental Quality
On average people spend about one third of their lives in public buildings including places of business, schools, or recreation spaces. Indoor environmental quality [IEQ] encompasses numerous factors ranging from air quality and ventilation to thermal comfort, acoustics, and access to views. The quality of your indoor environment has been shown to impact the health, comfort, and well-being of those who occupy space within your facility. Your Enviros team will help assess the quality of your indoor environment, identify the root causes that may be impacting IEQ, and provide recommendations and corrective measures.
What are the Key Considerations for Indoor Environmental Quality?
- Building Ventilation
- Dampness + Mold
- Chemicals + Odors
- Pathogens + Health Hazards

Leading the Industry
To ensure you get the best results, our building commissioning services utilizes sophisticated data collection devices, industry best practices, and leading edge internally developed software applications.
Innovation at Work
Technical Advantage
Enviros developed iPerformanceTM to maximize the integrity, visibility, and accessibility of facility data, providing you with best-in-class service. iPerformanceTM aggregates all facility data including manually collected asset information, photos, temperature readings, and more, as well as metrics from on-site logging devices, into a single platform available to all project participants in real-time. This approach expedites the review of results and facilitates immediate feedback on missing information or anomalies allowing the on-site team to verify or recollect prior to leaving the site.